Fri. Mar 14th, 2025

Check out designs and teaser images spotlighting WYN, a new character debuting in Jonathan Hickman and Valerio Schiti’s G.O.D.S. this October!

New York, NY— August 25, 2023 — At the crossroads of science and magic, agents of opposing factions operate on the behest of the pantheon of abstract cosmic beings such as Eternity, Infinity, and the Living Tribunal. This October, they emerge from the shadows as their war erupts into the wider Marvel Universe in Jonathan Hickman and Valerio Schiti’s G.O.D.S.!

The highly-anticipated series will introduce fans to an exciting new cast of characters, some of which readers have already met this summer in special bonus pages in select titles. From powerful mystics to daring scientists to chaos bringers, these characters exist outside the fight between good and evil and devote their time to upholding the very building blocks of creation. They may be new to readers but they’ve been scheming and clashing with each other for eons and are privy to startling truths your favorite heroes and villains wish they knew!  Over the next week, some of the major players of G.O.D.S. will be spotlighted in special teasers and concept art. First up is Wyn, Avatar of THE-POWERS-THAT-BE! See him in new concept art and teaser images and visit to learn more of his secrets!

Stay tuned for more G.O.D.S. character spotlights next week!

Keep track of everything revealed about G.O.D.S. thus far by visiting

By onyxxx